Hey guys! I've got some very exciting news to share with you today that will hopefully also explain my short leave of absence (even though y'all are probably used to it by now, sorry bout that!)...
I've started a YouTube channel!!!
Let me just start out by saying that YouTube is one of the most exciting/scariest ventures I've ever started...like ever! First of all, filming yourself doing anything is a little nerve racking. Filming yourself in a quiet dorm room where you just know your hallmates are listening to you talk to yourself is a whole other level.
But...I'm a huge fan of all things YouTube and probably watch more videos than actual tv and Netflix combined, which is really saying something. Honestly, I've wanted to do this for a really long time and even made a failed attempt at a first video back in February...which was taken down due to a glitch.
Thanks to Dani being the great friend that she is I don't think I managed to embarrass myself too badly on that one as she so kindly pointed out the glitch...which went on for like 10 minutes, not pretty.
I was inspired by another Dani...daniaustin2 to be exact...and her YouTube channel when she posted the TMI Tag video. At the end of her video she tagged those watching to do the same thing and film their own video. It looked like so much fun that I did just that.
Now, mind you its not the best quality in the world as I did just film it on my computer but to be perfectly honest I'm pretty proud of it. It took some guts...especially seeing as I may or may not sing an excerpt of a Taylor Swift song somewhere along the line. eeeep!
But I figured I would let you all know that it's out there on the world wide web if you wanna take a look...so go watch me talk about what love really is, yeap...there's some deep points right out of the gate but then there's Troyler and 5 Seconds of Summer all over the place too!
Also, I've got a lot of ideas for future videos (including one that might go up as soon as tomorrow!) but if you have any suggestions they will be greatly appreciated and you can leave your thoughts below or on the video itself which is right here:
Let me know what you think, lovelies!
until next time, darlings.