June 11, 2013

How to Glitterize Anything!

So while doing my morning routine of a cup of tea over a nice Pinterest search I stumbled upon a pin I had seen a while ago and thought I'd make a goal for the day to try it out.
via cosmeticsobsession.wordpress.com
I searched through The Great Big Craft Bag of Everything and gathered my supplies of Glossy Mod Podge and my favorite pink glitter! I threw in some painter's tape because I decided to glitterize my hairbrush and didn't want to get too much glitter on the actual part that would go through my hair. 

I forgot to take a "before" picture of the brush, but I made sure to clean it with a damp cloth and dried it before getting started and put the painter's tape over the area I didn't want glitter on. Then I took the sponge brush and brushed a layer of Mod Podge over the back of the brush & generously sprinkled glitter over the area. 
Make sure to shake the excess glitter off, I used a paper plate (a 'Merican flag one at that) so I could save the glitter for later.
Be sure to allow the layer to dry before adding more like the original link says.
Once all the glittery layers are dry brush more Mod Podge over the glitter to seal it all in and let it dry for a few hours. 
It should look something like this. Now all you have to do is be patient or if you're like me and that can't possibly happen you can glitterize other things in the meantime. I tried to glitterize my phone charger but the glitter I used was different than this one and it was an epic fail so I moved onto putting more glitter on the brush! 
That's a whole lotta glitter!
Now it's definitely time to be patient and let everything dry. 
And a few hours later you'll have a finished product! Ta-da!
Thanks to cosmeticsobsession.wordpress.com for the great tutorial! A+


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