July 7, 2014

June 2014 Favorites

It is officially July, people, and that means a couple of things...the first being, "Holy crap! We're halfway through summer" and the second is that it is time for June favorites!!!
I am too excited about showing y'all my favorites for the past month and I'm not so sure why because to be perfectly honest I haven't really found anything new this month and really didn't buy all that much (something  I'm kinda proud of actually) but I've managed to keep tabs on some of my most loved products this month so let's get to it!

This stuff has been an absolute dream against this summer heat. I actually mentioned picking this foundation up when I wrote my Beauty Breakdown post on primers back in March when that pesky polar vortex was still hanging about and I still think Rimmel made a mistake with their timing of the release of this product. Back when the snow was flying I was totally unimpressed but now that the sun is beating down I am in love. 
Definitely worth a try if you're looking for a foundation that will work with you through the heat.

Urban Decay All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray
Sticking with the theme of summertime sweat-proof makeup, I have been hitting the setting spray hard this month. I love that I can just spray this stuff all over my face before heading out the door and have my makeup stay put until I want it to come off. Is that what we all want in the first place?

Marc Anthony Dream Waves Beach Spray
So when it comes to beach/sea salt sprays I'm a total non-believer...that is until this little guy showed up in my June Ipsy Glam Bag! I figured I would give it a shot so I sprayed it in my damp hair before pulling it up in a bun and hopping in the pool one day. Now, I have naturally wavy hair but its mostly crappy, frizzy little waves that are anything but VS Fashion Show worthy but when I took my hair down that evening it was a whole other story. I had volume and waves Alessandra Ambrosio would have killed for, possibly. Also, this is the first beach spray I've tried that actually smells summery and beachy rather than eau de Dead Sea. A huge thumbs up for me, so much that I am seriously considering picking up the full size from Ulta.

Secret Scent Expressions Pasion de Tango
Is it weird to talk about a deodorant in your monthly favorites? I'm gonna say no.
I have used the Secret Scent Expressions for years, like I'm pretty sure it's the only deodorant I've ever used but I usually stick to my comfort zone of vanilla or cocoa butter. That is until I decided to give this mango scented one a try. Let's just say I've been sweating up a storm and this sucker is definitely doing its job.

Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash
I have been battling some serious breakouts this summer which I think is caused by a moisturizer, which I have since quite using, that was for dry skin (which I definitely deal with). Everything would be fine when I put it on after taking my makeup off at night but by the time I would wake up in the morning my face would feel like a oil slick only to go back to desert sands once I washed my face.
Well, I can say goodbye to all that struggle now that I have this stuff. It says oil free at the very top but this wash feels like a great oily balm, which I really like. My face doesn't feel dry after using it and it takes my makeup off and keeps my skin clear. A win-win if you ask me.


AE Wild Heart and Love Thy Selfie Graphic Ts

I have lived in these American Eagle Graphic Ts this month. They are super soft and I just love the graphics plus the Wild Heart one is a boyfriend fit which makes it the perfect T to throw on over a swim suit or to just lounge around in. Both shirts are currently on Clearance over at ae.com so be sure to check them out along with all of the other awesome graphic Ts on the site.

Everything Else 

Music - Ed Sheeran "X"
Ohmygod if you haven't heard this album (pronounced "Multiply") then I don't know how you've managed to keep it together this summer because it is AHMAYZING! I got a Spotify notification sent to my phone the day the album was released and I have been listening to it on repeat ever since. No lie.
I'm a HUGE Ed Sheeran fan, in case you couldn't tell already, and I have to say that he in no way, shape, or form disappointed with his second album. I love that every song is so signature Ed and I just can't stop listening. Some of my favorites from the album are "Don't" (which is also my most listened to song on Spotify, which is quiet a feat), "Afire Love", "Nina", and "Thinking Out Loud."
I highly recommend you give the whole thing a listen because it is simply a work of art.

Netflix Must-See - Orange is the New Black
I did it! I hopped on the bandwagon and binge watched the first season of Orange is the New Black just days before the second season was released and I haven't looked back. I regret nothing.
This show is unlike anything else out there and while it is intended for mature audiences I highly recommend you hop on too. The series takes an in depth look into the lives of several (diverse) women in this countries prison system. That description is exactly what kept me from watching at first because I didn't really feel like the next "Locked Up" or "Scared Straight" was what I wanted out of my Netflix subscription but this show is so much more. I say the show is unlike any other because of the diversity of the actors and emotional drive that derives from a a female driven story line that centers around the experiences of these women with little male intervention.
Definitely a Must-See. Bravo, Netflix...now I'm just counting down the days until House of Cards returns.

Movie - The Fault in Our Stars
If you didn't see this one coming then I don't know if we can still be friends...just kidding, sort of. This movie is probably going to be on everyone's favorites this month but I couldn't just not feature it.
So, my sister came into town the weekend TFiOS was released and we decided to make a day of it and go shopping and catch a matinee showing of the movie before she headed back home early in the week. I did not realize what I had gotten myself into, I mean I read the book...in 5 hours...on Valentine's Day, which resulted in me bawling my eyes out at 5 in the morning so I was totally prepared for the story line. I was not, however, prepared for the mess my sister was going to be in. Not only did she freak out at the theater manager for opening late but she started crying before the opening scene had even ended. Our friend Ashley joined us which resulted in me laughing through out the whole movie because she decided to bring a half pint of  Ben & Jerry's ice cream with her so that ultimately ended with my sister freaking out in the middle of her tear-driven hysteria and yelling at us both.
So aside from the mega meltdown, I have to say that this movie exceeded my expectations and had me walking out of the theater begging for Looking for Alaska to be made into a movie...a wish that, in case you didn't know, is totally coming true. John Green, you genius, you.

YouTube - ViviannaDoesMakeup
Oh my god, guys. Let me tell you about this adorable little nugget I found on YouTube this past month.
Her name is Anna (short for Vivianna, I'm guessing) and she is absolutely precious! I discovered her channel through one of the little side bars on another channel and decided to give her May Favorites a view. I was hooked before she even said "Hello." I've went through all of her most recent videos since and just relate so well to her. I love when some of our favorite products match up and love it even more when I find a recommendation on her channel that I just have to have (I may have picked up Mindy Kaling's book immediately after watching her June Favorites video). 

I hope you've enjoyed this look into my favorites from the month of June, I already can't wait for what July might have in store.

until next time, darlings.

1 comment:

  1. I featured the Marc Anthony spray in my favorites too! See! It's such a great product!
