January 27, 2014

How I De-Stress

Like it or not the stress of this semester is creeping up on us and after the insanity of last semester (I still have nightmares reliving the finals week from hell) I refuse to let all that stress bring me down. 
So, I've started to do a little personal research on what exactly helps me to destress and the results were quite overwhelming...so of course, I had to share them! Duh!
  • Have a Cup of Tea: Now, this might just be the fact that I was meant to British and the stork just got lost on its way across the Atlantic but there is really nothing more calming, warming, and relaxing than a nice cup of tea. It really is a great way to wind down from the day. I seriously suggest a vanilla chai, but that's just me. 
  • Yoga: I freaking love yoga! So much so that I'm actually researching yoga a little right now and do it whenever I can fit it in, I may have done it in the shower while waiting for my deep conditioner to set in. :) Plus, it's way more than just stretching, like it's kinda mind blowing. I highly suggest you look into yoga a little for yourself because you just might find that it's a really great relaxation tool for you too!
  • Make a List: Seriously, though even making a list of the tasks at hand or goals for the week can help my stress levels drop. Also, nothing is better than checking off those pesky tasks. It's a good way to keep yourself on track too. And yes, I have "Make a List" typed out in a list, deal with it. 
  • Take a moment: I cannot stress how important this is for my destressing. I've realized that a lot of my stress is actually caused when I start to panic about things that are a little nerve racking or just not something I want to do. So, in those times of stress I just step away for a second and do something I actually want to do. Depending on my mood that can be anything from Tumble a little, text a friend, creep on Instagram, or get a few yoga moves in. Find what works for you but remember not to let your responsibilities slip away from you (ohemgee, I sound like my mother!).
  • Dance it Out!: I'd like to thank the girls of Grey's Anatomy for this little habit I've developed. (seriously, if you haven't seen stressed out surgeons dance around in their underwear than I don't know if we can be friends.) It sounds a little ridiculous but even picking one song and just dancing around your room can get you moving and your blood flowing. Plus, what did we learn from Elle Woods in the Brooke Windham trial?
I hope some of these tips can help you keep your head on straight this semester! Good luck, lovelies!

until next time, darlings.

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